Trip advisor

4 good reasons to go on TripAdvisor



First of all, what is TripAdvisor?

Although TripAdvisor is a well-known platform, some people may not have heard of it yet. Others most certainly know it but have probably never made the detour. Some others may simply not have understood how the platform works.

Don’t worry, L.O Wine is here to enlighten your lantern! Quite simply, TripAdvisor is the largest online travel site in the world. More than 260 million people use it every day and there are more than 3.1 million referenced establishments. But what are the good reasons for visiting this site?

Reason #1: Leave a comment

Did you enjoy the wine workshop you attended? Say it! Was the wine you tasted delicious? Say it! Were you with anyone? All those who attended the wine workshop, who tasted the wine that was offered for tasting, can leave their mark and say what they thought of this activity around wine. In the same spirit, the Bordeaux wine discovery workshop was particularly interesting for you? Did the wine assembling workshop catch your eye? Express yourself and attribute a note to the structure that carried out the oenological service. In this way, future participants will know what their predecessors thought of the oenological workshop they identified and will be able to evaluate it before making their choice. This system works for wine workshops but also for restaurants or shops of all kinds.

Reason #2: Make your own opinion

Not only can you write your own opinion about the wine you have tasted or the wine workshop you took part of, but you are not alone! Everyone can use this power on TripAdvisor and can guide future participants with the Bordeaux wine workshops through their comments. Double advantage: first, understand what the oenological workshop has in store for you based on the description the L.O Wine team wrote and then be inspired by the feelings and marks given by those who have tested before you to make your choice in the most serene of ways. That’s the advantage of a participative site, the community is there to support you!

Reason #3: Simply because we are there!

Yes, L.O Wine is at the forefront of modernity and has an account on TripAdvisor so that everyone who has attended a wine workshop feels free to give their point of view and express their feelings about the oenological service they have followed. And to tell you the truth, as far as our wine workshops are concerned, the participants were all satisfied and the L.O Wine team is particularly proud to see that its young Padawans will soon become master jedis of wine and wine tourism. Who will be the next to take up the challenge and try to become the Yoda master of Bordeaux wines?

Reason #4: Because it’s fashionable

What better reason to try new things than to follow the current trend? If it’s in fashion, it’s because most of people have tried it and validated it! We can then say that it is recommended to go and waste a few minutes there! So we don’t wait another second and go check out our page! How are you not already going to the TripAdvisor page of L.O Wine?

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