To end this month of March in style, we give you our favorites of digital and our most beautiful discoveries on… social networks!
In this digital age, we spent a lot of time on our smartphones (always tasting a good glass of wine) and discovered some pretty accounts and we have selected a few for you.
The 1st account is female, it is Margot from @Rougeauxlèvres. Don’t you know her yet? This former journalist passionate about wine takes us to meet winegrowers and professionals in the field to complete our knowledge and refine our palate. Sparkling, she transports us through her IGTV and interviews in their world.
The 2nd account takes us to New York and remains feminine. The first woman to become a French craftsperson of the year in 2018 in sommellerie, this is @pascalinelepeltier we chose to show you. Sommelier for the Racines restaurant in New York, she shares her best discoveries with us, to follow!
The 3rd account is that of a man you will never forget, @fabrizio.bucella. Professor in University, physicist, Doctor of Science and sommelier… more present on Youtube, he tells us how to choose a wine with his own style, a little Belgian accent from Italy, we let you watch by yourselves.
The 4th account is more greedy and shows a French art de vivre, as we know how to do. If you salivate too much in front of their photos, don’t panic, the @Gueuleton run several wine bars where you can find their delicious dishes to pair with a good bottle. We just have to wait for the bars reopening to taste.
For the 5th account, the last but not least, we choose to be a little zealous and tell you about our account @creawine_by_lowine , we talk about wine, local players such as La Cité du vin or Tom Mullen from Forbes and the Bordeaux region. You can watch our interviews on IGTV, listen to our radio show on our local radio France Bleue Gironde with the Chef Jesus, find out more about our workshops at the Château and digital wine tasting… Well, you will know everything about us!